System and Software Requirements

Waterloo LEARN courses are designed to function in a variety of operating systems and web browsers. While courses generally function well in many computer configurations, the following are formally supported and tested.


Check My System

You are using a browser that is not supported. We recommend using Chrome (latest), Microsoft Edge (latest), Safari (latest), or Firefox (latest)
View Browser Support




Email Address

You must keep your email address updated online via WatIAM. Please read the University’s Official Student Email Address statement.

Internet Speed

Internet access required. High speed strongly recommended.

Zip Software

Courses may contain zip files that you will be required to download and unzip to your computer.


Sound card with speakers or headphones. Many courses contain audio which require headphones or speakers.

Online Courses

Access to high speed Internet is required.
Some online courses have additional requirements.
Check the CEL Find a Course page for your course and read the Additional System Requirements section.


Required settings for Waterloo LEARN, as provided by the vendor, Desire2Learn:

JavaScript is enabled


Browser Support

Desktop Support

Supported Browser Version(s)
Latest version of: Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox (and ESR), Safari

Tablet and Mobile Support

Device Operating System Browser Supported Browser Version(s)
Android Android 5.0+ Chrome Latest
Apple iOS® Safari, Chrome The current major version of iOS (the latest minor or point release of that major version) and the previous major version of iOS (the latest minor or point release of that major version). For example, as of June 7, 2017, D2L supports iOS 10.3.2 and iOS 9.3.5, but not iOS 10.2.1, 9.0.2, or any other version.

Chrome: Latest version for the iOS browser.
Windows Windows 10 Edge, Chrome, Firefox Latest of all browsers, and Firefox ESR.